Magniol Noubi, Donavan Aziaka, Doriane Etienne, Patrick Archambault, Selma Chipenda Dansokho, Eve Dube, Catherine Fallon, Hina Hakim, Noah Ivers, Jason Kindrachuk, Shannon MacDonald, Mostafa Mousavi, Ruth Ndjaboue, Jean-Sébastien Paquette, Elizabeth Parent, Beate Sander, Gratianne Vaisson, Holly Witteman. Quel est le rôle de chacun dans la protection de la communauté ? [Internet]. 2020 ; Disponible :
To find information about COVID-19 disease
To obtain information in Québec: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Québec
To get information from Public Health Agency of Canada
To get information specific to your province or territory: Provincial and territorial resources for COVID-19
Foire aux questions du gouvernement du Québec
Obtenir des nouvelles du gouvernement canadien par courriel
Canada’s free exposure notification application: COVID Alert
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) evolution
In Canada
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) : Outbreak update
World COVID Map
Worldmeter – coronavirus
Symptoms and treatment of COVID-19 disease
COVID-19 symptom self-assessment tools
Self-assessment tool from Québec
Self-assessment tool by province or territory
Measures to reduce COVID-19 spread
Instructions and directives issued by the government of Québec : Qué
Modes of transmission and health recommendations for everyone
Wearing a mask or a face covering
Self-isolation instructions
Travelling from one region to another
Gatherings and audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Instructions for travellers
Instructions and directives issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada :
Measures to reduce COVID-19 in your community
Transmission, prevention and risks
Wearing a mask or a face covering
Travel restrictions, exemptions and advice
If you’re sick or caring for someone who’s sick
Testing for COVID-19
Mental health and well-being in the context of a pandemic
Stress, anxiety and depression associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 disease
When should I seek help?
Bereavement during the pandemic
What can I do to provide support to my child?
Protecting your well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic
Taking care of your mental and physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Écoles et services de garde au Québec
Mesures dans les établissements scolaires et services de garde
Safety measures for workers and students
Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur : MEES
New tool for online school : Open school, choose your own path!
Financial assistance and support for individuals and businesses
Government of Québec : Qué
Aide financière pour les travailleurs
Aide financière pour les entreprises
Aide financière pour les étudiants postsecondaires
INSPQ trainings : COVID-19 et santé au travail [FR]
Advices, recommendations and tools from the Occupational Health and Safety Research Centre in Québec : IRSST [FR]
Government of Canada :
Managing your business during COVID-19
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
General public conferences on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Webinaires nationaux en prévention du suicide, 28-30 octobre 2020
- Impacts de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur les comportements suicidaires et mesures de prévention à mettre en place
- What is the Connection Between Pandemics and Suicides?
Conférences Soins palliatifs en temps de pandémie, 15 octobre 2020:
- Les soins palliatifs adaptés au contexte de pandémie
- Soins palliatifs et crise du COVID-19 : quels enjeux et quelles leçons pour demain?
- Perdre un proche des suites de la COVID-19 : paroles d’endeuillé(e)s et mise en place d’une communauté virtuelle de soins
- Des fins de vie volées? L’expérience des proches de patients décédés en réanimation
Coeur des sciences, UQAM : Combattre la COVID-19 : 2e vague – Quelles sont nos armes ?, 15 octobre 2020
Conférence CRCHUM: SARS-CoV-2 : Un virus qui n’arrête pas de surprendre, 4 septembre 2020
Causeries Apéro sciences, UQAM: COVID-19 : Des nouvelles du front scientifique, 12 mai 2020
Échanges avec des spécialistes de la santé, Société des arts technologiques : Virus et pandémie : État et ouverture de recherches, 23 avril 2020
Conférence CRCHUM: Mise au point sur le SARS-CoV-2 et la COVID-19, 9 avril 2020
TV documentaries, articles and websites
Découverte: l’évolution génétique du coronavirus, 18 avril 2021
Découverte: L’an 1 de la pandémie: la réplique scientifique 1ère partie & 2e partie, 7 & 14 mars 2021
CMAJ : Integrating research into clinical practice: challenges and solutions for Canada, December 09, 2020
Les années lumière: La COVID et la saison de la grippe, 20 septembre 2020
Moteur de recherche : Des spécialistes analysent les effets du virus qui chamboule notre quotidien
Carbone : Faire la paix avec les virus, 16 mai 2020
Découverte : Émission spéciale COVID-19, 10 mai 2020
Découverte : À quel degré le virus peut-il aussi se propager dans l’air, 28 Avril 2020
Canadian Institutes of Health Research : How Canadian research offers hope in the fight against COVID-19
Dialogues entre les scientifiques et le public : Centre Déclic
To better choose and understand information on COVID-19 : Online health information aid
McGill University - Dossiers : Confronting COVID-19
Johns Hopkins University: Understanding the COVID-19 pandemic [EN]
CanCOVID network : State of the science reports
COVID-19 tools, publications, and awareness resources
Posters, videos and information documents from Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services : MSSS [FR]
All COVID-19 publications from MSSS [FR]
Awareness resources from Public Health Agency of Canada
Posters, videos and information documents : INSPQ [FR]
Information from Ministry of Health and Social Services and other government agencies
Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec : MSSS [FR]
Informations utiles sur la COVID-19
Directives au réseau de la santé et des services sociaux
Directives cliniques aux professionnels et au réseau
Outils d’information sur la COVID-19
Publications du MSSS
Information available in English
Institut national de santé publique du Québec et COVID-19 : INSPQ [FR]
Épidémiologie et directives cliniques
Infection prevention and control
Santé au travail
Environnement et les lieux publics
Aspects psychosociaux et habitudes de vie
Formation en ligne COVID-19 et santé du travail
Formation en ligne Gestion des cas et contacts
Toutes les formations en ligne
Information available in English
Public Health Agency of Canada :
What health professionals need to know
Signs and symptoms
Transmission and risk factors
COVID-19 epidemiological research data
Infection prevention and control
Treatment and vaccines
Guidance documents
INESSS, Institut national d’excellence en santé et en service sociaux : Propositions, sous forme de réponses rapides sur les pratiques cliniques et traitements en période de pandémie de COVID-19. [FR]
COVID-19 tools, publications, and awareness resources
Posters, videos and information documents from Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services : MSSS [FR]
All COVID-19 publications from MSSS [FR]
MSSS YouTube channel
Awareness resources from Public Health Agency of Canada
Posters, videos and information documents : INSPQ [FR]
Resources to support decision-makers and other resources
How I treat COVID-19 ? Platform developed for and by healthcare professionals. Combines new and updated information to facilitate patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Le bulletin du Centre de recherche en santé publique (CReSP) : Information destinée aux praticiens et aux gestionnaires du réseau pour répondre à des questions de santé publique dans le contexte de la pandémie. [FR]
COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University.
CanCOVID : Networking platform to build collaboration, coordination, and open data sharing between all aspects of Canada's COVID-19 response, including researchers, clinical collaborators, funding agencies, government policy makers, and healthcare practitioners.
NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19.
Funding agencies response to the COVID-19 pandemic
FRQ, Les Fonds de recherche du Québec : La communauté scientifique dans la lutte contre la COVID-19 [FR]
CIHR, Canadian Institutes of Health Research : COVID-19 Resources
CIHR-led and CIHR-funded COVID-19 resources and research outputs
Research and collaboration
Research outputs and open science
Clinical trials and research involving humans
Evidence-informed decision making
COVID-19 and Mental Health (CMH) Initiative
NSERC, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada : NSERC program information in relation to COVID-19
SSHRC, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council : COVID-19: Impacts on SSHRC's policies and programs
Research findings / evidence-based knowledge
CReSP : Centre de recherche en santé publique – Soutien au développement de projet de recherche COVID
NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Resources : Peer-reviewed biomedical publications related to COVID-19 and referenced in PUBMED. Clinical sequences and resources.
COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University. Provides a list of databases with access to published systematic reviews and identifies ongoing reviews. Offers resources for researchers considering and conducting COVID-19 evidence syntheses.
Preprint de BioRxiv et MedXriv : Open access research results related to COVID-19, before peer review.
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset : Open access research results.
PROSPERO : International prospective register of systematic reviews.
Cochrane Library : Databases of systematic reviews produced by an international network of independent researchers.
NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19. Provides tools, guides, resources and support to conduct rapid evidence reviews.
Global research database on coronavirus disease : Open access research data from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Strategic groups, networks and platforms
COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University. Provides a list of databases with access to published systematic reviews and identifies ongoing reviews. Offers resources for researchers considering and conducting COVID-19 evidence syntheses.
CanCOVID : Networking platform to build collaboration, coordination, and open data sharing between all aspects of Canada's COVID-19 response, including researchers, clinical collaborators, funding agencies, government policy makers, and healthcare practitioners.
NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19. Provides tools, guides, resources and support to conduct rapid evidence reviews.
COVID-19 Ressources Canada : Collects canadian resources for researchers and clinicians, including databases of volunteers and reagents accessible online. Presents a list of research programs funded by canadien agencies. Provides a non-comprehensive list of international, national, provincial and local COVID-19 funding opportunities.
COVID-19 Research Project Tracker by UKCDR et GloPID-R : Tracks research projects funded by GLOPID-R member nations (UK, Canada, France, Japan, Australia, and others), and maps these against WHO priorities, in order to identify unmet needs in research and reduce duplication.
COVID-19 Innovation Hub by Global innovation Exchange : Collates and maps international innovations related to COVID-19 and provides a directory of start-ups and industry partners.
Crowdhelix network : Offers a free online “Open Innovation platform” to promote collaboration between international researchers in developing research and development proposals on COVID-19.
Coronavirus Innovation Map by StartupBlink : International map to locate innovations related to COVID-19 and aims to create links between researchers, industry partners and decision-makers.
COVID Collaborator by ZymeWorks : Aggregates leaders in drug development offering expert, discounted, and pro-bono services to accelerate treatments and vaccines developpement.
Funding opportunities for COVID-19 research in Canada
CIHR’s funding opportunities : RechercheNet
Calendrier des concours des Fonds de recherche du Québec :
CIHR funding opportunities on COVID-19 : CIHR
Provincial COVID-19 resources : CIHR
Indigenous Health Research and COVID-19 : CIHR
NSERC investments in COVID-19 research : NSERC
SSHRC investments in COVID-19 research : SSHRC
National and international funding opportunities databases
PIVOT : Funding opportunities database for researchers, postdoctoral fellows and students.
COVID-19 Resources Canada : Provides a non-comprehensive list of international, national, provincial and regional COVID-19 funding opportunities.
COVID-19/Coronavirus Resources by InfoEd Global : Database of international COVID-19 funding opportunities.
Funding opportunity Database, McMaster University : Searchable funding database with information on current and future funding competitions.
Coronavirus Funding Opportunities by Science|Business : International database of coronavirus funding opportunities
COVID-19 Innovation Hub by Global innovation Exchange : Funding calls for COVID-19 innovation activity.
COVID-19 Open Innovation Index by Luminary Labs : Collects information on international open innovation programs, competitions and challenges. : Funding opportunities in the US, foreign applicants are sometimes eligible.