

Magniol Noubi, Donavan Aziaka, Doriane Etienne, Patrick Archambault, Selma Chipenda Dansokho, Eve Dube, Catherine Fallon, Hina Hakim, Noah Ivers, Jason Kindrachuk, Shannon MacDonald, Mostafa Mousavi, Ruth Ndjaboue, Jean-Sébastien Paquette, Elizabeth Parent, Beate Sander, Gratianne Vaisson, Holly Witteman. Quel est le rôle de chacun dans la protection de la communauté ? [Internet]. 2020 ; Disponible : wlab.fmed.ulaval.ca/projects/socdist/

To find information about COVID-19 disease

To obtain information in Québec: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Québec

To get information from Public Health Agency of Canada

To get information specific to your province or territory: Provincial and territorial resources for COVID-19

Foire aux questions du gouvernement du Québec

Obtenir des nouvelles du gouvernement canadien par courriel

Canada’s free exposure notification application: COVID Alert 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) evolution

Symptoms and treatment of COVID-19 disease

Symptoms and treatment

COVID-19 symptom self-assessment tools

Self-assessment tool from Québec
Self-assessment tool by province or territory


Écoles et services de garde au Québec

Mesures dans les établissements scolaires et services de garde
Safety measures for workers and students
Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur : MEES 
New tool for online school : Open school, choose your own path!

Financial assistance and support for individuals and businesses

Government of Québec : Québec.ca

Aide financière pour les travailleurs
Aide financière pour les entreprises
Aide financière pour les étudiants postsecondaires

INSPQ trainings : COVID-19 et santé au travail [FR]

Advices, recommendations and tools from the Occupational Health and Safety Research Centre in Québec : IRSST [FR]

Government of Canada : Canada.ca

Managing your business during COVID-19
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

General public conferences on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

Webinaires nationaux en prévention du suicide, 28-30 octobre 2020

Conférences Soins palliatifs en temps de pandémie, 15 octobre 2020:

Coeur des sciences, UQAM : Combattre la COVID-19 : 2e vague – Quelles sont nos armes ?, 15 octobre 2020

Conférence CRCHUM: SARS-CoV-2 : Un virus qui n’arrête pas de surprendre, 4 septembre 2020

Causeries Apéro sciences, UQAM:  COVID-19 : Des nouvelles du front scientifique, 12 mai 2020

Échanges avec des spécialistes de la santé, Société des arts technologiques : Virus et pandémie : État et ouverture de recherches, 23 avril 2020

Conférence CRCHUM: Mise au point sur le SARS-CoV-2 et la COVID-19, 9 avril 2020

TV documentaries, articles and websites

Découverte: l’évolution génétique du coronavirus, 18 avril 2021

Découverte: L’an 1 de la pandémie: la réplique scientifique 1ère partie & 2e partie, 7 & 14 mars 2021

CMAJ : Integrating research into clinical practice: challenges and solutions for Canada, December 09, 2020

Les années lumière: La COVID et la saison de la grippe, 20 septembre 2020

Moteur de recherche : Des spécialistes analysent les effets du virus qui chamboule notre quotidien

Carbone : Faire la paix avec les virus, 16 mai 2020

Découverte : Émission spéciale COVID-19, 10 mai 2020

Découverte : À quel degré le virus peut-il aussi se propager dans l’air, 28 Avril 2020

Canadian Institutes of Health Research : How Canadian research offers hope in the fight against COVID-19

Dialogues entre les scientifiques et le public : Centre Déclic 

To better choose and understand information on COVID-19 : Online health information aid

McGill University - Dossiers : Confronting COVID-19

Johns Hopkins University: Understanding the COVID-19 pandemic [EN]

CanCOVID network : State of the science reports

COVID-19 tools, publications, and awareness resources

Posters, videos and information documents from Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services : MSSS [FR]

All COVID-19 publications from MSSS [FR]

MSSS YouTube channel

Awareness resources from Public Health Agency of Canada

Posters, videos and information documents : INSPQ [FR]

COVID-19 tools, publications, and awareness resources

Posters, videos and information documents from Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services : MSSS [FR]
All COVID-19 publications from MSSS [FR]
MSSS YouTube channel
Awareness resources from Public Health Agency of Canada
Posters, videos and information documents : INSPQ [FR]

Resources to support decision-makers and other resources

How I treat COVID-19 ? Platform developed for and by healthcare professionals. Combines new and updated information to facilitate patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Le bulletin du Centre de recherche en santé publique  (CReSP) : Information destinée aux praticiens et aux gestionnaires du réseau pour répondre à des questions de santé publique dans le contexte de la pandémie. [FR]

COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University.

CanCOVID : Networking platform to build collaboration, coordination, and open data sharing between all aspects of Canada's COVID-19 response, including researchers, clinical collaborators, funding agencies, government policy makers, and healthcare practitioners.

NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19.

Research findings / evidence-based knowledge

CReSP : Centre de recherche en santé publique – Soutien au développement de projet de recherche COVID

NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Resources : Peer-reviewed biomedical publications related to COVID-19 and referenced in PUBMED. Clinical sequences and resources.

COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University. Provides a list of databases with access to published systematic reviews and identifies ongoing reviews. Offers resources for researchers considering and conducting COVID-19 evidence syntheses.

Preprint de BioRxiv et MedXriv : Open access research results related to COVID-19, before peer review.

COVID-19 Open Research Dataset : Open access research results.

PROSPERO : International prospective register of systematic reviews.

Cochrane Library : Databases of systematic reviews produced by an international network of independent researchers.

NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19. Provides tools, guides, resources and support to conduct rapid evidence reviews.

Global research database on coronavirus disease : Open access research data from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Strategic groups, networks and platforms

COVID-END : COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-makers, McMaster University. Provides a list of databases with access to published systematic reviews and identifies ongoing reviews. Offers resources for researchers considering and conducting COVID-19 evidence syntheses.  

CanCOVID : Networking platform to build collaboration, coordination, and open data sharing between all aspects of Canada's COVID-19 response, including researchers, clinical collaborators, funding agencies, government policy makers, and healthcare practitioners.

NCCMT : National collaborating centre for methods and tools, McMaster University. Provides a directory of completed and ongoing rapid evidence reviews on topics related to COVID-19. Provides tools, guides, resources and support to conduct rapid evidence reviews.

COVID-19 Ressources Canada : Collects canadian resources for researchers and clinicians, including databases of volunteers and reagents accessible online. Presents a list of research programs funded by canadien agencies. Provides a non-comprehensive list of international, national, provincial and local COVID-19 funding opportunities.

COVID-19 Research Project Tracker by UKCDR et GloPID-R : Tracks research projects funded by GLOPID-R member nations (UK, Canada, France, Japan, Australia, and others), and maps these against WHO priorities, in order to identify unmet needs in research and reduce duplication.

COVID-19 Innovation Hub by Global innovation Exchange : Collates and maps international innovations related to COVID-19 and provides a directory of start-ups and industry partners.

Crowdhelix network : Offers a free online “Open Innovation platform” to promote collaboration between international researchers in developing research and development proposals on COVID-19.

Coronavirus Innovation Map by StartupBlink : International map to locate innovations related to COVID-19 and aims to create links between researchers, industry partners and decision-makers.

COVID Collaborator by ZymeWorks : Aggregates leaders in drug development offering expert, discounted, and pro-bono services to accelerate treatments and vaccines developpement.

Funding opportunities for COVID-19 research in Canada

CIHR’s funding opportunities : RechercheNet

Calendrier des concours des Fonds de recherche du Québec :

    • Fonds de recherche Santé : FRQS
    • Fonds de recherche Nature et technologie : FRQNT
    • Fonds de recherche société et culture : FRQSC

CIHR funding opportunities on COVID-19 : CIHR

Provincial COVID-19 resources : CIHR

Indigenous Health Research and COVID-19 : CIHR

NSERC investments in COVID-19 research : NSERC

SSHRC investments in COVID-19 research : SSHRC

National and international funding opportunities databases

PIVOT : Funding opportunities database for researchers, postdoctoral fellows and students.

COVID-19 Resources Canada : Provides a non-comprehensive list of international, national, provincial and regional COVID-19 funding opportunities.

COVID-19/Coronavirus Resources by InfoEd Global : Database of international COVID-19 funding opportunities.

Funding opportunity Database, McMaster University : Searchable funding database with information on current and future funding competitions.

Coronavirus Funding Opportunities by Science|Business : International database of coronavirus funding opportunities

COVID-19 Innovation Hub by Global innovation Exchange : Funding calls for COVID-19 innovation activity.

COVID-19 Open Innovation Index by Luminary Labs : Collects information on international open innovation programs, competitions and challenges.

Grants.gov : Funding opportunities in the US, foreign applicants are sometimes eligible.